Neural Therapy is a holistic medical system that aims to diagnose and treat underlying disturbances in the body's neurological control mechanisms that can lead to pain and illness. This alternative medicine system involves identifying "interference fields" that cause such disturbances, and treating them through the administration of injections of dilute procaine.

These interference fields can be found throughout the body and are often subtle in nature. However, Neural Therapy uses specific techniques to identify and treat them, leading to the restoration of the body's natural balance and the alleviation of pain and illness.

Neural Therapy is a safe and effective an is a non-invasive technique that can be used to treat a wide variety of conditions, including unexplained pain syndromes, recurring pneumonias, and any other condition where the autonomic nervous system is involved.

Overall, Neural Therapy offers a unique approach to medicine that focuses on addressing the root causes of symptoms rather than just masking them. By taking a holistic approach to health, it has the potential to improve patients' quality of life and promote long-lasting healing.